Rhondda Tunnel Society
The Rhondda Tunnel Society was formed in the summer of 2014 with the initial aim to site the long-lost tunnel portal stone in a suitable location as near as possible to the entrance of the disused and buried Rhondda Tunnel at Blaencwm. But then, with the aid of modern social media, an unexpected enthusiasm was unearthed… The Society has grown in local and worldwide membership at an incredible pace, all coming together with a common dream that will hopefully become a reality: to not only return the stone to the tunnel entrance, but to re-open the Rhondda Tunnel in it’s entirety.
1 Station Road · Treorchy · CF42 6UA
Our Vision
The Rhondda Tunnel Society has a vision: to re-open the disused Rhondda & Swansea Bay Railway Tunnel, reconnecting the communities of the Rhondda and Afan Valleys as a pedestrian and cycling route.
At almost 2 miles long, it will be the longest tunnel in Europe, second longest in the world, for Walking and Cycling!